Jun 2, 2018

Securing Your Home PC & Internet

Back in the days of dial-up internet, folks only got viruses if they were visiting questionable websites.  Then when broadband first came out, and DSL was very popular, you could get a virus just by being online.  Fast forward to today, when viruses aren’t the only thing that we need to worry about.  Spyware, worms, trojans, and other types of malware such as ransomware, and general password cracking are some of the dangers of the internet.  We aren’t defenseless, there are things that can be done to protect our digital assets.

Antivirus Software
This is the one of the most important tools to protect our digital lives, and it’s very simple.  Thousands of antivirus software is available, ranging in price and functionality.  Some are subscription based, some are free, and some include many other layers of protection such as firewalls, and browser configuration locks.

AVG (http://www.avg.com) – Available in two flavors, free and Ultimate ($99.99/year for all personal devices), AVG has long been a leader in antivirus technology.  AVG can be installed on PC, Mac, or mobile devices.

Sophos Home (https://home.sophos.com) – Also available for free or Premium ($50/year), Sophos Home free provides:  real-time antivirus, parental web filtering, web protection from known malicious sites, and remote management.  The Premium version includes: advanced real-time protection (PUA – potentially unwanted apps), advanced ransomware protection, advanced web protection, banking protection, privacy protection, advanced malware removal, and support via email or chat, allowing protection on up to 10 devices.

Norton Security / Antivirus (http://www.norton.com/Norton_Security) – Possibly one of the most commonly heard of solutions, because it has been around for such a long time, Norton provides many different variations of their security suite and different solutions.  The leader, Norton Security is available as Basic ($29.99/first year), Standard ($39.99/first year), Deluxe ($49.99/first year), and Premium ($54.99/first year) versions.  Norton also offers WiFi and VPN protection, and some products even come with LifeLock, an identity theft protection service that among other things, monitors credit reports.

The basic premise of a firewall is to prevent unauthorized access to a network.  Many of the antivirus solutions mentioned have firewalls built-in; however, there are many other options.

Windows Firewall – Microsoft Windows comes pre-installed with a firewall, in most cases you just need to turn it on.  Here is a link on how to turn on the Windows firewall:  https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000551.htm. 

ZoneAlarm Pro (https://www.zonealarm.com/software/firewall) – Before firewalls were part of Windows or security suites, users had to install firewalls that served one purpose, and the most popular was ZoneAlarm.  Still available for $29.95 a year, ZoneAlarm Pro is a software firewall with some added features monitoring for suspicious behavior, guarding the operating system during start up, and providing an anti-phishing browser extension.

Changing your password is the first thing to do if you feel your online account has been compromised.  Here are some basic tips to have a secure password.
·         Use longest length password or passphrase allowed
·         Don’t use words found in a dictionary
·         Don’t use the same password for multiple systems
·         Don’t use passwords based on personal information
·         Use numbers and special characters
There are numerous websites that will generate a random password, Secure Password Generator is one:  https://passwordsgenerator.net, plus there are websites that will test the strength of your password: https://howsecureismypassword.net

These are just a few simple things that can be done to protect your digital assets.  One of the most important things to remember is DON’T OPEN ANY FILES OR EMAIL ATTACHMENTS THAT YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE.

Good luck, and safe computing!
-Bradley Toy